Important Notice Regarding Journey’s Conditional Release & Opening Avenues to Re-Entry Success Programs

Journey’s Conditional Release (CR) and Opening Avenues to Re-Entry Success (OARS) contracts now managed by Lutheran Social Services.

Important Notice Regarding Journey’s Conditional Release & Opening Avenues to Re-Entry Success Programs

Journey’s Conditional Release (CR) and Opening Avenues to Re-Entry Success (OARS) programs will conclude on June 30, 2024. Starting July 1, 2024, Lutheran Social Services (LSS) will take over the CR and OARS contract.

For any questions, please contact:

Sally Fleischman, MS
Forensic Programs Manager
115 N 6th Street
Wausau, WI 54403
Cell: 715-456-5714

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.


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