Provider Referral Forms

Promoting Recovery From Onset Psychosis (PROPS) Referral Process

To make a referral for a Dane County resident, please call 608-280-3140 or complete the PROPS Referral Form below. Referrals can be made by clinicians, school counselors or teachers, family, friends or by you.

Clinic-Based Services

Getting Started

To make a referral for a Dane County resident, please call 608-280-2720 or complete the 'Clinic-Based Services Referral Form' below. Referrals can be completed by the person seeking services, parent/legal guardian, or a community service provider.

PLEASE NOTE: Once a referral is received, Clinic-Based staff will respond within two business days. Clinic-Based staff will set up a meeting with the person seeking services (or parent/legal guardian, if a minor) to discuss services and to determine program eligibility.

a client chatting with a journey mental health professional, smiling

Community-Based Services

Referral Process

For referral to the three Journey Community Support Programs (CSPs) (Gateway, Forward Solutions and CTA) and Keystone Community Services (KCS)

For a Dane County resident with Medicaid (including Badger Care) or no insurance, please contact the Dane County Department of Human Services 608-267-2244 or to start the referral process.

For a Dane County resident who has insurance other than Medicaid/Badger Care, please complete the referral form below.  Once a referral is received, staff will get back to the referring party within five business days. Community program staff will connect with the referring party to discuss the program and to determine program eligibility. If you have questions, need a faster response or are unsure about which route to go for referral, please contact Mary-Jo Olsen, Director of Community Services, at or 608-280-2782.

Community-Based Services Referral Form

Promoting Recovery from Onset of Psychosis (PROPs)

Referral Process

To make a referral for a Dane County resident, please call 608-280-3140 or complete the 'PROPS Referral Form' below. Referrals can be made by the person seeking services, clinicians, school counselors, teachers, community service providers, family and friends.

PROPs Referral Form

PLEASE NOTE: Once a referral is received, PROPs staff will get back to the referring party and consumer within a 24-business hour window. PROPs staff will set up a meeting with the consumer and his/her guardian to discuss the program and to determine program eligibility.

two people working at a laptop

Journey By the Numbers

Phone Icon - Doctor Webflow Template


Crisis calls received in 2023


Consumers Served in 2023




Years in Business

